Happy Happy 2012! It is going to be an amazing year. I can just feel it.
Below is an excerpt from a book that has been 3 years in the making. All it needs is a pair of eyes, thorough editing and hopefully will get published...I know, I know, I have been TOTALLY off brooch and bracelet topic. Blame it on creative ADD. The way I see it-- life is short, so if you feel passionate about something, you might as well explore it. I promise to post about brooches soon...
I looked for love at the park. I saw it in the eyes of couples walking arm in arm; smiling; blushing; talking about hopes and dreams; and in the moments of silence they locked eyes, paused, as if frozen in time; hearts suspended by invisible strings; kissing tenderly; supremely happy. Precious moments I want to capture in a snow globe; shake it up and marvel at the white whirlwind flurry; but there the couples would remain; timeless; perfect; happy; forever in love.
I looked for love at the bar; found a different brand. Instinctive and sexual in nature. The kind that leaves you feeling empty and debauched in the morning. I saw it in the eyes of men. I saw it in the eyes of women. Ulterior motives hiding out in the cavernous creases of their flagrant eyes. They’re all guilty here. Batting lashes, sly smiles, well-rehearsed silver tongued lines and compliments flowing out of their mouths; fluid, babbling brooks, aware only of where they are going and how they intend to get there. I am not sure what brings them back time and time again. New faces. Same conversation. Same game. Same emptiness when they slip out in the morning because all they really want is love.
I looked for love in a movie. The plot went something like this: Boy meets Girl. Boy likes Girl, but Girl has a Boyfriend. Boyfriend is an asshole. Boyfriend breaks Girl’s heart and she realizes in a moment of firm clarity that Boy is really sweet and he’s really really really into her. But she messed up and he disappeared, so she searches the city high and low to find him, and when she does, she apologizes for being stupid and they kiss and the movie ends. What I’m always left pondering is…what happens next?
I looked for love in an ice cream cone. It’s true. Don’t laugh, because you’ve probably done it, too. This love is purely one-sided and ravenous. Cold, sweet, delicious love. Few adjectives can cover the full range of emotions that take over when you take the first lick…and then another…becoming so absorbed in the physical and emotional act; nostalgia, captive taste buds, sensual licking of lips. By lick five it’s all the same, but no less special because for the next 10 minutes you’ve got an ice cream cone in your hand and you are in love.
I looked for love in a poem. The words ebbed and flowed and sucked me in. Damn flowery words get me every time. I was lost in a vast ocean of adjectives and metaphors, searching for a way out of robust genuineness. If only such sincerity could exist in the real world. If only everyone could so eloquently express what their love feels like. Tastes like. Smells like.
Sometimes it looks like hearts suspended by invisible strings, frozen in time. Sometimes it feels empty. Sometimes it smells like a big, crowded city you’re searching through to find the one. Sometimes it tastes like ice cream. Sometimes you find it in a poem. But what I’ve discovered in my love quest is that when it’s right, it finds you, and usually when you’re not looking for it.