Thursday, May 26, 2011


This past week human beings survived the rapture and the last episode, eva eva...of the Oprah show (I shed one little tear like Cry-Baby. A skill that has yet to prove as effective on dudes as it was on the ladies for Johnny D). That, or we're all disgraceful sinners stuck on this earth to create our own special hell out of carbon footprints that put Sasquatch's to shame, and internet and reality TV addiction, especially those containing obnoxious housewives who have no real problems, other than what body part to enhance/reduce next, so they create their own to have something to complain/cry about when they drink their wine at 2 PM. Yes, I am probably single-handed keeping the BRAVO channel and all it's glorious and intellectually stimulating reality shows in business, but we don't discuss such things at the Brooch Brat headquarters.

In case any curious minds care to know, I have approx. 100 cans/cases of soup, cup of noodles, vegetarian chili and tons of water and batteries for my trusty magnetic flashlight, and first aid kit ready in my closet in case an apocalypse of the Zombie or Biblical kind does in fact happen. Yes, I am a good person to know in case of an emergency and yes I will be your hero. Baby.

On a serious note and one related to Brooches but nothing at all to do with Zombies or [baby] Jesus or Oprah, I am obsessed with Checkered patterns. It is a new thing that's kind of always been a mediocre thing, only now it's been elevated to a level 4 out of 5 on the Checkered Obsessed meter. The catalyst in this whole ordeal is the Kardashians. Yep, another American Reality TV favorite...that the Brooch Brat has been known to watch ever so (rarely) often. During one of these freak viewings, I noticed that Kris Kardashian had very cute checkered items on her kitchen stove, one of which was a tea kettle. It was love at first sight, to say the least. But just as quickly as I fell in love, I forgot about it...until I woke up one evening after an epic nap and wouldn't you know it, one of the Kardashian shows was on TV (clearly, my dog had changed the channel while I snoozed) and there was my lover, the checkered tea kettle on the screen again, in all her water boiling glory. I could have sworn "Dreamweaver" started playing from somewhere unknown at that moment...and so was the beginning of my demise.

"Checkered tea kettle" Googling soon led me to the wonderful world of MacKenzie-Childs, who incorporates a checkered theme through much of their handcrafted designs which cover a wide-range of household items, from kitchen appliances to furniture to garden decor and more. I can not stop looking at slash drooling over their beautiful stuffs, which inspired a new Brooch Design-- Checkmate:

And here's my beautiful inspiration. Don't be afraid to admire her for a second longer than feels appropriate for a kitchen appliance:

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